Frequently Asked Questions

What is a basix consultant?

Basix is an energy rating that all house alterations must do once the job is worth over $50,000.00.

What is a CC?

When you submit plans you must submit a Development application(DA) this gives you an approval for the concept of what you want to do. then you must lodge plans for a CC (Construction Drawings) these are generally more detailed and also require other consultants like the structural engineers. We submit the plan as one application that generally speeds the process.

What is a DWG?

This is a file format that all consultants can open should they need an electronic version of the file.

What is an electrical layout?

This basically is another drawing that shows where all the light fittings, PowerPoint’s, TV antenna’s etc. are located specifically shows all there heights. This way when a builder gives you a price for the electrical he is not guessing where or how many points you want.

What is a section 82A application?

A section 82A is where the council have refused your application and sent it back without the option of making the appropriate changes( Not a common Practise) it is basically re lodging the plan with the appropriate changes required. you are normally given a page or pages of issues with the plan that need to be addressed, make the changes and resubmit for an approval. The council fee for an 82A to re lodge the plan is normally around $500 dollars depending on council.

If the council requests changes are we charged for these?

Generally all council variations are covered as part of the fee, as we would have followed the guidelines in preparing the plans.

All Image Architects Group are committed to giving you creative Architecture with a professional approach, responding to your needs, site and budget.

Phone : 1300 ALL IMAGE

Address : 22 Kiernan CR Abbotsbury,
NSW 2176 Australia

Call: 1300 255 462 >